TRY REAL HARD--- TO PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND OPEN YOUR EARS!!! Ron Paul is once again doing his best to explain and expose the scam of the "federal reserve system/bank/board" and to preserve it in the congressional record for future generations.He is one of the few legislators in our congress who not only understands the inherent flaw,and unconstitutional nature of the illegal central bank,he also has the courage to speak out against it!!! The majority of the American people are un-educated and blissfully ignorant to the danger and certain enslavement through debt, that this illegal entity brings to the once free population of this country.Many people are now losing their homes ,cars,pensions,savings and jobs.And still we do not rise up and put an end to this insanity.I am often attacked by the very people who are most adversely affected by these circumstances as being un-patriotic or radical. I say to them, "I AM NOT UN-PATRIOTIC,QUITE THE OPPOSITE.I AM HOWEVER VERY RADICAL AND DAMN PROUD OF IT." GLENN NUNLEY. NORTH FLORIDA.
Fighting rages in Assad heartland of Syria
"Huge reinforcements" are heading to Latakia province after clashes
reportedly claim dozens of lives.
1 hour ago