That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
Thank you and welcome to this site. I would encourage each one of you to get informed and involved in what I believe is the most dangerous time since the founding of our Country. I stand ready to oppose and resist any Government or power that seeks to enslave our people, erode our God given liberty, or to alter the collective constitutional will of the citizens of this land. I would rather DIE today standing for these principles than to live on my knees in subjugation for a thousand years. To anyone who shares these convictions, I would feel privileged to call you my friend.
Glenn Nunley. North Florida.
"Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have war, let it begin here."
Anonymous Attention and Abuse
There is a new paper by Florian Ederer, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, and Kyle
Jensen. It concerns what happens on EJMR, and abusive rhetoric in on line
Bolton calls Trump unfit for office
[NFA] The White House is desperately trying to block the publication of a
book by former top White House aide John Bolton, who told ABC News he
didn't beli...
Emily Echols: Baking by Sense and Memory
With each pecan pie and batch of molasses cookies, Emily Echols hones the
baking skills she learned from her elders. Ms. Echols believes baking is an
"Socialism" is now emerging as the natural successor to the"Free Market Capitalist System" as it seems no amount of whining, kicking and screaming by the elitist architects and perpetrators of the failed system can stem the rising socialist tide. Also, it is worth noting here that in their desperate attempts to replace enough stolen cookies to kick start this now exposed pyramid scheme. They are further exacerbated by the increasing realization that the cookie jar itself seems to have been stolen. Arrogance and stupidity seem to be the ugly first cousins of personal and collective greed. Glenn Nunley. North Florida.