Saturday, April 11, 2009

Facts About Goldman Sachs: Volunteer Information - Exposing Goldman Sachs

Facts About Goldman Sachs: Volunteer Information - Exposing Goldman Sachs

This Blogger Has Been Threatened By Goldman Sachs: For daring to tell the truth!! Click Here to see why. Outrageous!!!


Death Of The American Dream.
We were never free and independent in 1776 as we have all been led to believe. Our lofty assertions espoused in our Preamble to our Declaration Of Independence must have provided amusing parlor chat for the stake holders of the American colonies.
The stakeholders being the Money Masters and International Banker's and descendants who had perfected their system of economic control hundreds of years before The United States was even born. Way back then they would have been having a good chuckle at how well the economic chains were already working as their agents in our midst maneuvered the rules and laws which prevented or abolished any legislation and all monetary policy which would not be favorable to their continued economic choke hold, that they maintain to this day.

What "WE THE PEOPLE" are witnessing once again, just as it happens in all business cycles, is another bountiful harvest from the most successful Plantation to ever evolve on the planet. That harvest includes much of the money in all our pockets, savings, investments, and home equity. Yes it never belonged to us in the first place. We are only allowed to live and work here as long as we work hard and cause no trouble on the row.
Our "Massa's must be so very proud of a "Golden Goose" such as America and the well disciplined slaves who maintain it. These slaves, these American workers quaintly call themselves Democrats and Republicans for the moment. The American worker is no more capable of understanding this now than was "Old Uncle Tom" back a hundred and fifty years ago. That is not to say that all Americans are this ignorant of their plight, far from it. One has only to use their imagination to see around them the few, who by obeying the massa's orders are allowed to receive a better cut of the pork occasionally.

If you accept what I have written as having any merit at all. I would just encourage all of you to be very careful of allowing the trouble makers, of which I admit to being, causing you to endure the whip or noose of corrective compliance which will swiftly visit all who dare to disturb the peace on this plantation. Glenn Nunley. North Florida.


I have watched over the last couple of years as our government and it's agencies have been enlisted and utilized by the greedy bankers and wall street thugs. They have diligently worked hand in hand to craft the rules of the game in a way to reap a bountiful harvest off the backs of millions of honest working and middle class people and in the process have sewn the seeds of despair and anger throughout the lengths and depths of our country. What has been over looked by these pilgrims is that while they gathered in their ill gotten gains they could not harvest our spirits. The American people are for the most part good and decent folks just like you and me given to fair play and live and let live attitudes, but they also possess a deep rooted spirit of independence and a strong dislike of being bamboozled by the very people who are sworn and obligated to run our institutions in a way that is fair with equal opportunities for all. When the evidence is laid bare and there is no doubt that we have been railroaded by these groups then it will not be long until there will be hell to pay. So when the facilitators of all this mischief becomes more clear everyday and with each function of our lives that is disrupted only serves to bring the day of reckoning closer. You had better know that if you are not with us you are against us and that sooner or later you will be called to answer for the devious and greedy behavior that has resulted in so much unnecessary suffering and disruption of our lives. The retribution that will be exacted could take many forms and the methods will vary but in the end the seeds that have been sewn will produce a bitter crop for all those malevolent planters and harvesters. Glenn Nunley. North Florida.

Facts About Goldman Sachs

Facts About Goldman Sachs

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