Friday, April 23, 2010


   "Sarah Palin has been an exercise in Pygmalionism gone wrong. The most famous female politician in the world today is a vain and sanctimonious woman of boundless ambition and no vision." She is a dangerous work in progress. This begs the question, "who are her sculptors and mentors?"
     Given the right political circumstances coupled with the acute economic conditions that are being experienced in the country Sarah Palin has opportunistically amassed a sufficient following of the "herd mentality"to catapult her into power. All that would be needed is a cataclysmic event whether real or contrived to stampede her conformist inherited electorate to run this country off a cliff. She has and continues to gain a position of undefined prominence simply by parading around the country, wrapping herself in the flag and parroting the customary patriotic/religious party lines and pretending to represent freedom.
     If the sain and educated free thinking people of this country fail to recognize this clear and present danger to our country, there is the real possibility that we will once again witness political history repeat itself in tyrannical proportions not yet imagined by the people of the present time.   Glenn Nunley  North Florida.

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