Saturday, March 21, 2009

Buccaroo Battling The Baffled On The Forum

Re: Talking Turkey Squall
posted at 3/21/2009 2:43 PM CDT on

First post: 12/11/2008Last post: 3/21/2009Total posts: 950
Replying to:
Robert, You know, you like most Washington Republicans can only lash out with criticism over everything being done to save the country from total disaster. Everyone from the right is pissing and moaning, pointing fingers, paying for media coverage, and running their mouths. Yet, there are ZERO ideas coming from the right, including you. Wassup with that?

If the Republicans have better ideas then let the President hear them, rather than just playing politics as usual. The Republican party has no leaders, no direction, no sense, and no clue! The country needs your help and not your ridicule. If the Republican Party is (like you all say) the true patriotic party then you all need to jump in and help out. Everything the party is doing is destructive to the nation and themselves. It's time to stop shouting and crying about everything being done! It's time for action, and the Republicans need to get off the grandstand podiums and help out! Are we not all Americans? Posted by buckaroo.

Hello Comrade!! Just kidding. Thank you for your continued efforts on this forum buccaroo. You consistently post truths with a clarity I can only envy. TP.

" I know not what course others may choose but as for me GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH" Patrick Henry.
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