Tuesday, September 30, 2008


No to the Bailout: We Can’t Let Bankers Try to Blackmail America
“You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.”
Today I turn over my space to Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, who said these fiery words to a delegation of bankers in 1832:
“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.”
The issue back then was the Bank of the United States, a federally chartered institution—sort of a predecessor to the Federal Reserve—that Jackson, ever the populist, strongly opposed. Today, most people agree that a national bank is necessary, but as today’s vote demonstrates, there is no national consensus on transferring wealth from the middle to the top. Good! Let’s hope that principle holds true for a while longer.
Today, the same as back then, big bankers attempt to blackmail America: If you don’t do things our way, exactly as we tell you, then the roof will cave in.
No sovereign nation should allow itself to be pushed around by finance like that. If it does, the same blackmail threat will be made again, and again, and again. The time has come to say “No!” And to make it stick.
There are plenty of other ideas for helping Main Street, including a plan advanced here last week, not Wall Street; now it’s up to the American people to insist that those ideas get a full hearing. Because otherwise, we know what will happen: The Republican-Democratic elite will combine with Wall Street to worsen the economic situation, as a way of teaching the American people a harsh lesson, and ultimately bringing us to heel.
But maybe this time, we will not be moved. But the sad truth is, we have already been out-flanked by these wily sons of bitches in collusion with the controlled media. While we have been distracted with breaking news about our imminent financial collapse, our illustrious senate handed over the entire known oil reserves of the entire country, to include the Pacific coast,Atlantic coast, the Gulf coast and the natural wildlife preserve in Alaska.These oil reserves represent the last great wealth of the American people and perhaps the revenue of our survival but throughout the stampede to DRILL-DRILL-DRILL did one mention or one discussion come up about the fine print of how this wealth would be used to benefit the people of America.No,in their ignorance they were only led to believe that the fuel needed for their survival would be more affordable.It is a fact that this will not be the case. Take notice: I will not be a complacent slave to your new world order!!! SARAH PALIN; If you by chance read this,go home and form your state militia in preparation for the next 'WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE' I'll see you on the front. GLENN NUNLEY. NORTH FLORIDA.


Traders were stunned by the U.S. House of Representatives' rejection Monday of a US$700 billion emergency bailout package that would have allowed the government to buy bad mortgages and other sour assets held by troubled banks and other financial institutions. With elections in November, many lawmakers were unwilling to take the political risk of supporting a measure that many American voters see as an undeserved bailout for rich, reckless investment bankers.
Which means the way is still clear for the trickle up economics ''NORTH FLORIDA COMMON SENSE PLAN' is still open. Stock prices rise when consumers spend. If the treasury would start now, we would all have a merry christmas. The Dow Jones industrial average plunged 777 points Monday, its biggest ever single-day drop, or nearly 7 percent, to 10,365.45, its lowest close in nearly three years. GLENN NUNLEY. NORTH FLORIDA.


Economists may dream of a perfect market where no bubbles, crashes, or recessions occur, but these phenomena are inevitable when the players are human. The Great Depression, one of the worst blows to the world economy, serves as a prime example of how vulnerable markets can be. The stock market crash of 1929, usually cited as the beginning of the Great Depression, was preceded by the Roaring '20s, a period when the American public discovered the stock market and dove in head first. The crash wiped out many people's investments and the public was understandably shaken. When bank failures erased the savings of those who weren't even invested in the stock market, people were shattered. Although the market crash was unavoidable, the bank failures could have been prevented with better regulation. Read on to find out how the Great Depression occurred.The Fickle Fed:Twenty-two years earlier, the panic of 1907 offered a similar scenario, as panic selling sent the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) spiraling downward and led to a bank run to boot. With no Federal Reserve to inject cash into the market, it fell upon investment banker J.P. Morgan to organize Wall Street. Morgan rallied people who had cash to spare and moved that capital to banks lacking funds. The panic led the government to create the Federal Reserve, in part to cut its reliance on financial figures like Morgan in the future. (For more on the Federal Reserve, read How The Federal Reserve Was Formed.)In the crash of 1929, however, the Fed took the opposite course by cutting the money supply by nearly a third, thus choking off hopes of a recovery. Consequently, many banks suffering liquidity problems simply went under. The Fed's harsh reaction, while difficult to understand, may have occurred because it wished to give Wall Street some tough love by refusing to bail out careless banks, a response that it felt would only encourage more fiscal irresponsibility in the future. (For insight on the crash of 1929, see The Crash Of 1929 - Could It Happen Again?)Ironically, by increasing the money supply and keeping interest rates low during the roaring twenties, the Fed instigated the rapid expansion that preceded the collapse. In some ways, it set up the market bubble leading to the crash and then kicked the economy when it was down. Although some people, such as Milton Friedman have rightly suggested that the Fed's mismanagement of the economic situation greatly contributed to the Great Depression, there still would probably have been a minor recession regardless of government involvement. Presidential Blunders:President Roosevelt rode into office by characterizing a "do nothing" attitude. In truth, however, his predecessor, Herbert Hoover, had done far too much to try to halt the recession following the crash. One of Hoover's main concerns was that workers' wages would be cut following the economic downturn. In order to ensure artificially high wages among all businesses, he reasoned, prices needed to stay high so companies would continue producing. To keep prices high, consumers with the money would need to pay more. Yet the public had been burned badly in the crash, and most did not have the resources to overpay for products. This bleak reality forced Hoover to use legislation, the government's trump card, to try to prop up wages. Following in the unfortunate tradition of the protectionists, Congress tried to restrict the flow of foreign goods by passing the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. Because foreign nations weren't willing to buy over-priced American goods any more than Americans were, Hoover decided to choke out cheap imports. The Smoot-Hawley Act started out as a way to protect agriculture, but swelled into a multi-industry tariff. Other nations retaliated with their own tariffs, essentially cutting off international trade. Not surprisingly, the economic conditions worsened worldwide and the U.S. economy sunk from a recession into a depression. Although Roosevelt promised change when he came into office, he continued Hoover's economic intervention, only on a bigger scale. He created the New Deal with the best intentions, but like Hoover's wage controls, it backfired. With previous recession/depression cycles, the U.S. suffered one to three years of low wages and unemployment before the dropping prices led to a recovery. Responding to this historical trend of a few hard years followed by a recovery, American industrialist and philanthropist J.D. Rockefeller remarked, "These are days when many are discouraged. In the 93 years of my life, depressions have come and gone. Prosperity has always returned and will again." By attempting to immediately recover without swallowing the bitter pill of two hard years, Hoover and Roosevelt may have actually prolonged the pain. New Deal:The New Deal set lofty goals to maintain public works, full employment, and healthy wages through price, wage, and even production controls. The New Deal was loosely based on Keynesian economics, specifically on the idea that government works can stimulate the economy. Occasionally these projects were ideal, but there were just as many cases of mismanagement, political back-scratching and general waste that dogs government-run initiatives. (For related reading, see Can Keynesian Economics Reduce Boom-Bust Cycles?)One of the most heartbreaking results of the New Deal was the destruction of excess crops to justify the artificially high prices, despite the need for cheap food. In fact, many of the agencies created by the New Deal broke up black markets selling cheap goods. This forced factory workers to stop working and generally halted the production that was needed for recovery. Even unemployment remained high because companies couldn't afford to keep large payrolls at the rates set by the government. Eventually, recovery came in the unappealing form of World War II. Although the notion that the war ended the Great Depression is a broken window fallacy, it did open up international trading channels and reverse price and wage controls. Suddenly, the government wanted lots of things made inexpensively, and pushed wages and prices below market levels. When the war finished, the trade routes remained open and the post-war era went from recovery to a bull run in a few short years. ConclusionThe Great Depression was the result of an unlucky combination of factors - a reticent Fed, protectionist tariffs and a Keynesian, government-centered recovery plan. It could have been shortened or even avoided by a change in any one of these. Many supporters of the government's intervention point out that the quick recovery from other depression/recession cycles may not have occurred as rapidly in 1929 because it was the first time that the general public, and not just the Wall Street elite, lost large amounts in the stock market. Similarly, the Fed can avoid fault because it didn't know that the government would pass a trade-crushing tariff and take other questionable measures. For more, read Recession: What Does It Mean To Investors?
by Andrew Beattie, (Contact Author Biography)Andrew Beattie is a freelance writer and self-educated investor. He worked for Investopedia as an editor and staff writer before moving to Japan in 2003. Andrew still lives in Japan with his wife, Rie. Since leaving Investopedia, he has continued to study and write about the financial world's tics and charms. Although his interests have been necessarily broad while learning and writing at the same time, perennial favorites include economic history, index funds, Warren Buffett and personal finance. He may also be the only financial writer who can claim to have read "The Encyclopedia of Business and Finance" cover to cover.

Monday, September 29, 2008


"We're in this moment, and if we fail to do the right thing, Heaven help us," These are the words of one of our elected representatives in congress,just prior to the house vote for the 'BAILOUT PROPOSAL'which failed in a vote on the house floor today.
The legislation the administration promoted would have allowed the government to buy bad mortgages and other rotten assets held by troubled banks and financial institutions, getting those debts off their books.If the plan worked, the thinking went, it would help lift a major weight off the national economy that is already sputtering. Supporters of the bill had argued that it was necessary to avoid a collapse of the economic system, a calamity that would drag down not just Wall Street investment houses but possibly the savings and portfolios of millions of Americans. Moreover, supporters argued, a lingering crisis in America could choke off business and consumer loans to a degree that could prompt bank failures in Europe and slow down the global economy's.---THE WOLF IS COMING---THE WOLF IS COMING!!!
Opponents said the bill was cobbled together in too much haste and might amount to throwing good money from taxpayers after bad investments from Wall Street gamblers.Something the thieves installed in the U.S. TREASURY and the corrupt FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD/BANK have already done, with Bear Stearn's,Fannie and Freddie and AIG to the tune of 300 billion dollars and counting. After long favoring a hands-off approach and deregulation of the financial industry,EVEN AS THEY WERE ALLOWED TO STRIP VIRTUALLY EVERY CONSUMER PROTECTION LAW FROM THE BOOKS AND TO EVEN STIFLE STATE LAWS ATTEMPTING TO PROTECT IT'S ILLITERATE, IGNORANT POPULATIONS!!! the Bush administration has found itself in recent weeks interceding repeatedly in the private market to try to avert one calamity after another and to conceal the mechanisms of theft being perpetrated on the middle class. This unbridled greed is starting us on a slippery slope towards socialism. My understanding of socialism is less freedom and less self determination. Sen. John McCain, who interrupted his campaign to deal with the crisis, claimed—via his surrogates—that he wielded great influence in improving the deal and making it palatable TO 'AN IGNORANT POPULATION'many of which, for the first time in years, may actually vote. Then he left town as it collapsed. A congressman who shows up for a fundraiser in Manhattan this week is likely to get tarred and feathered. But at the same time they can maybe count on the support of the people in their districts, that put them in office to begin with.Was the bailout bill killed by collective fear by the congress of the American voter,their sudden desire to do the right thing or by incompetence? It's hard to argue against incompetence, since it has been so rampant, especially on the Republican side of things in Washington. but then all things are relative too. If you consider that within just the eight years of the Bush administration, the largest transfer/theft of national wealth in the history of this country has occurred, and is still happening. Then,whether are not they are incompetent depends largely on which corporation you are invested in. But for the health,welfare and over all good of the American people, there can be no doubt that the most powerful bureaucrats in Washington are immoral,corrupt and criminally involved up to their eyeballs. I BELIEVE THEY SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED, GIVEN A FAIR TRIAL AND PROMPTLY HANGED ON PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. I VOLUNTEER TO FIT THE NOOSES. GLENN NUNLEY. NORTH FLORIDA.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


let's lighten up a little



Where Credit Is Due: A Timeline of the Mortgage Crisis
News: A field guide to the loan sharks and politicos who got us into the predatory lending mess

1913: Federal Reserve Act creates national banking system.
1914: Federal Trade Commission Act prohibits unfair or deceptive business practices.
1933: With memories of 1929 stock crash still fresh, Glass-Steagall Act separates "commercial banks" focusing on consumer activities (checking, savings) from "investment banks," which deal with speculative trading and mergers.
1968: Truth in Lending Act requires banks to disclose loan terms & fees.
1970: Bank Holding Company Act Amendments first step toward weakening Glass-Steagall; allow commercial banks, via holding companies, to both accept deposits and make commercial loans.
1978: Supreme Court's Marquette decision gives banks the right to make loans in states other than where they are headquartered; lenders rush to places with the weakest consumer protections, e.g. Delaware and South Dakota.

1980: After interest rates rise 13 percentage points in 2 years, President Carter signs law further hollowing out Glass-Steagall. The measure—pushed through by Sen. Jake Garn (R-Utah), a former insurance executive—demolishes usury caps for mortgages and raises bar for prosecuting lenders.
Jan 1981: Sen. Garn becomes chair of Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee with fellow deregulation advocate M. Danny Wall as majority staff director. American Banker exults that "lobbyists here view Mr. Wall's promotion as a gift swept to shore by the [GOP] tide last election day."
1982: Sen. Garn coauthors Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act, which deregulates savings and loan industry.
1984: S&Ls start crashing in Texas as oil boom peters out. More than 1,000 thrifts nationwide will fail between 1986 and 1995; debacle will cost $500 billion, including $124 billion in taxpayer money.
April 2, 1987: Sen. John McCain meets with federal regulators to discuss investigation of Lincoln Savings and Loan. The thrift's owner, Charles Keating, was the senator's business partner and campaign contributor, and flew McCain around on his private jet.
Sept: Drexel Burnham Lambert, home to "junk-bond king" Michael Milken, creates "collateralized debt obligations" (cdos)—securities made up of myriad loans and bonds with different risk levels.
Dec 9, 1988: Silverado S&L collapses, leaving $1.3 billion taxpayer liability; board members include Neil Bush, who engineered loans to friends in what federal Office of Thrift Supervision will call "multiple conflicts of interest." Bush later tells Congress a few of his deals may have looked "a little fishy."
Feb 6, 1989: President George H.W. Bush bails out S&L industry; among those helped is his son, Jeb, as government takes over most of a $5 million second mortgage on his Miami office building.

Sept 30, 1995: Congress enacts Truth in Lending Act "reform," easing regulations on creditors; bill powered through by Rep. Bill McCollum (R-Fla.), a key recipient of finance, insurance, and real estate (fire) donations ($136,000 in 1993-94).
Dec 22: As part of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America, Congress enacts a measure making it more difficult to sue companies for securities fraud.
Aug 2, 1996: Office of Thrift Supervision issues rule preempting almost all state laws regulating S&L credit activities.
1997-1998: fire sector spends more than $200 million on lobbying and $150 million on political donations; top agenda items include repealing Glass-Steagall to facilitate mergers.
March 4, 1998: First Union acquires The Money Store, nation's 5th-largest subprime lender (and home to ex-Yankee broadcaster Phil Rizzuto's commercials).
April 1998: Citicorp and Travelers announce biggest-ever corporate merger ($70 billion); transaction technically illegal under Glass-Steagall; ceo Sandy Weill launches $12 million campaign to repeal law.
June 1998: Conseco purchases mobile home lender turned subprime powerhouse Green Tree in $6 billion deal.
July 1999: North Carolina General Assembly bucks deregulation trend, passing landmark measure to curb predatory lending.
Nov 1999: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act guts Glass-Steagall, setting off wave of megamergers among banks and insurance and securities companies. Driving force is Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas), who has received $4.6 million from fire sector over previous decade.

June 20, 2000: Treasury and hud urge Fed to investigate subprime units of major banks. No Fed action follows.
June 26: First Union closes The Money Store, takes $2.8 billion write-down.
Dec 14: As Congress heads for Christmas recess, Sen. Gramm attaches 262-page amendment to an omnibus appropriations bill. Commodity Futures Modernization Act will deregulate derivatives trading, give rise to Enron debacle, and open door to an explosion in new, unregulated securities.
Dec 27: American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act makes it harder for consumers to get out of lender-required insurance. National Association of Realtors lobbies hard for it, spending $9 million, plus $4 million in contributions.
March 6, 2001: ftc sues Citigroup and its subsidiary Associates, nation's 2nd-largest subprime originator, charging "systematic abusive lending practices" involving 2 million borrowers; 18 months later Citigroup settles for a paltry $215 million.
April 6: Fed chair Alan Greenspan signals concern with "abusive lending practices that target vulnerable segments of the population and can result in unaffordable payments, equity stripping, and foreclosure."
July 27: "'Predatory' is really a high-profile word with no definition," Ameriquest chairman Stephen W. Prough tells Congress, urging rollback of subprime regulations.

April 22, 2002: Georgia's new anti-predatory law signed; Ameriquest helps lead campaign against it and announces that it won't do business in Georgia until law is changed. Standard & Poor's refuses to rate Georgia mortgage securities, choking credit supply to state's home buyers; law gutted within a year.
Oct 7: Swiss investment bank ubs announces that Sen. Gramm is joining it to "advise clients on corporate finance issues and strategy"; he will also lobby Congress, Treasury, and Fed on banking and mortgage issues as industry pushes to eliminate predatory-lending rules.
Dec 18: Conseco files for bankruptcy, mostly due to its purchase of subprime lender Green Tree. In all, 13 banks have failed during 2002—most, according to a Fed report, because of bad loans and "improper accounting related to the securitizing of assets."
March 2003: hsbc acquires Household Finance, nation's 4th-largest subprime lender.
May 1: New Jersey's anti-predatory-lending law signed. Again, Ameriquest and other lenders launch campaign to kill it and Standard & Poor's says it won't rate certain New Jersey securities; law gutted within a year.

2004: Ameriquest employees give total of $200,000 to Bush campaign; founder Roland Arnall and wife Dawn give more than $5 million to pro-Bush pacs. Arnall later appointed ambassador to Netherlands.
Jan 7, 2004: Federal Office of the Comptroller of the Currency issues final rule to preempt states from applying most of their credit laws to national banks and their subsidiaries.
March 2005: Rep. Robert Ney (R-Ohio)—who will later go to prison on corruption charges related to Abramoff scandal—introduces Responsible Lending Act, billed as an anti-predatory-lending measure but in fact designed to preempt stronger state laws. Key supporters include New Century Financial, nation's 2nd-largest subprime lender, which has contributed nearly $50,000 to Ney's campaign. Consumer advocates call it "Loan Shark Protection Act."
April: Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act makes it far harder for consumers (but not businesses) to discharge debts. Chief sponsor, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), has received $2 million-plus from fire sector since 1989.
Sept 1: As housing bubble begins to deflate, administration economist Patrick Lawler announces, "There is no evidence here of prices topping out. On the contrary, house price inflation continues to accelerate."
Sept 22: Illinois Supreme Court hands mortgage lenders a victory, blowing away a 3% cap on fees for loans with more than 8% interest.

Jan 23, 2006: Ameriquest settles 49-state investigation into deceptive subprime practices for $325 million.
April 27: Fed chairman Ben Bernanke acknowledges "signs of softening" in housing market, but says a "sharp slowdown" unlikely.

July 10: Henry M. Paulson Jr. sworn in as Treasury secretary, leaving job as Goldman Sachs chairman and ceo. In 2005, Goldman securitized $68 billion in residential mortgages and $23 billion in "other assets" primarily related to cdos.

Jan 2, 2007: Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) assumes chairmanship of House Financial Services Committee. fire sector tops his list of contributors, with total of $746,000 for 2005-06 cycle.
Jan 29: Paulson tells Congress, "One of the pleasant surprises I had coming to government has been the strong economy we have today."
Feb 22: hsbc's head of mortgage-lending business resigns. Its losses reach $10.5 billion.
Feb 28: Bernanke tells House Budget Committee the housing sector "is a concern, but at this point we don't see it as being a broad financial concern or a major factor in assessing the course of the economy."
Feb 28: New-home sales reported down 20.1% from previous year.
March 12: Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign announces that Sen. Gramm will join it as cochair and economic policy adviser.
April 2: Subprime giant New Century Financial files for Chapter 11 after being forced to repurchase billions of dollars of bad loans.
May 3: ubs shuts down Dillon Read Capital Management, its US subprime arm. GM's finance unit announces deep losses on subprime mortgages. sec task force begins meeting to examine Wall Street's handling of subprime loans.
June 9: In Wall Street Journal interview, former Fed governor Edward Gramlich accuses Greenspan of blocking a 2000 proposal to increase scrutiny of subprime lenders. Greenspan responds there are "a very large number of small institutions, some on the margin of scrupulousness and very hard to detect when they are doing something wrong."

July 16: Jim Cramer, host of cnbc's Mad Money, says the subprime "lending thing" is "completely meaningless...It has no relevance whatsoever." Less than 3 weeks later, Cramer will have meltdown on air, pleading with Fed to cut rates and save Wall Street.
July 19-20: In congressional testimony, Bernanke cuts growth forecasts for 2007 and 2008, blaming problems in housing market; warns that subprime crisis could cost up to $100 billion.
Aug 6: American Home Mortgage, one of the largest US independent home-loan providers, files for Chapter 11.
Aug 16: Countrywide, biggest US mortgage lender, narrowly avoids bankruptcy by taking out emergency $11.5 billion loan.
Aug 31: Ameriquest goes out of business.
Sept 14: Rep. Barney Frank in Boston Globe: Mortgage crisis "was in large part a natural experiment on the role of regulation." Sept 20: Treasury secretary Paulson tells House Financial Services Committee that "fundamental reappraisals in the pricing and appetite of risk have taken place numerous times...We are in the process of another such reappraisal."
Sept 30: ubs announces 3rd-quarter losses of $690 million.

Jan 2008: Number of homes facing foreclosure up 57% compared to same month of previous year. US unemployment rises sharply.
Jan 10: Cleveland files lawsuit against numerous financial institutions alleging that their activities in connection with securitization of subprime mortgages created a "public nuisance." (Litigation still pending.)
Jan 15: Citigroup reports $9.8 billion loss for 4th quarter and writes down $18 billion in subprime losses.
Jan 22 & 30: Fed makes biggest rate cut in 25 years—1.25 percentage points, to 3%.
Feb 6: Longest period of decline in nationwide house prices since 1990.
March 7: Former bosses of Merrill Lynch, Countrywide, and Citigroup questioned by a congressional panel about the $460 million in compensation they received between them during 5 years of subprime boom.
March 16: Bear Stearns announces takeover by JPMorgan Chase in Fed-engineered bailout; measure approved by Fed Board of Governors with fewer votes than required by law, under a post-9/11 "national security emergency" exception.
March 25: In speech on housing market, Sen. McCain calls for easing crisis by "removing regulatory, accounting, and tax impediments to raising capital."
April 18: Jerry Bowyer, chief economist for financial services firm Benchmark, says in New York Sun op-ed that fault for subprime crisis "lies with the small army of hard-left political hustlers who spent the early 1990s pushing risky mortgages on home lenders. And the fault lies especially with the legislators that gave them the power to do it."
April 29: Foreclosure activity reported up 112% from first quarter of 2007.
May 6: Bush announces he will veto legislation directing $15 billion to neighborhoods ransacked by foreclosures. Also threatens to veto legislation to provide $300 billion for struggling homeowners (and force lenders to renegotiate some mortgages) because it would be a "burdensome bailout" that "opens taxpayers to too much risk." I will extend this Time line soon. GLENN NUNLEY.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I write a lot about secession and I am very sincere in my beliefs on the subject. Much of my attitude is tempered by my innate desire to not be controlled by ideologies, religious beliefs, and rules and laws that others believe to be in every ones' best interest. I have discovered that they seldom are. These devices are most often employed to entice, entrap, control, and enslave man and spirit. This is made clear when you take a critical look at our legal system, as it imprisons or executes the poor and illiterate while the wealthy get a free pass. and in our initial constitution with all it's grand words of life,liberty,pursuit of happiness, and all men being created equal while holding some of it's people in a state of servitude. All this while organized religion gives it's blessing. Well not much has changed as we stand helpless and bewildered while the central government systematically perpetrates the largest transfer of wealth and power the world has ever known. Many thousands of Americans have always had to scramble to scratch out a living in this country and now it's many millions, and it will not be to much longer until most of the people will know the gnawing pain of hunger and will feel the sting of the cold dark nights. And many of them will go the way of my friend ,Dude. GLENN NUNLEY.

Friday, September 26, 2008


There is no real 'Revolt Over The Bailout Plan' - I think, ultimately, there will be no difference between the Republican and the Democratic leadership. Nancy Pelosi and George Bush are buddies right now, working on the bailout. And I wouldn't be surprised if there [will not be a sharp distinction between McCain and Obama, because they belong to the same special interest groups.]
And that is why you won't get any real debate or change over the Federal Reserve system or the foreign policy or monetary policy. That will all continue. And that is why so many people in this country have come to the conclusion that there's not a dime's worth of difference between the two parties.
And I think you will see that, once this bill is passed, how the groups got together. 'Until the American people are educated in sufficient numbers as to the insidious,ever present multi-faceted controls, that have been placed on them, like chains, by unknown and unseen international bankers,multinational corporations, and hand picked corrupt politicians, whose authority is centered and carefully directed by the 'FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD---BANK' and 'THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS' we all, will continue to be swept along in a surging stream towards a destination of their choosing to achieve there goals. For anyone of us to believe for one minuet that we have anything, like freedom of choice, or self determination, is only more self delusion. I do not possess a crystal ball, but I do have a brain,
and I do believe that this country now stands at a precipice atop a very high cliff, and millions of people are sensing the edge more and more each day as they struggle for their very survival. GLENN NUNLEY. NORTH FLORIDA.

YouTube - Treasury Rescue Plan: Bad Medicine

YouTuhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1kAySzvCXobe - Treasury Rescue Plan: Bad Medicine

Thursday, September 25, 2008


"There are people getting involved who have NEVER been involved in politics.I've never really been involved until now. Why? Because I feel that millions of citizens are about putting the power back into the hands of the people. We have been asleep while Washington bureaucrats...and their pocket lining corporate lobbyists bought our voices.

The middle class has awakened to a nightmare of ending up homeless and without insurance after years of working hard toward their American dream at 'good' companies. Things that we never thought could happen in America are happening. The middle class are now regulars at local food banks.

Everyone's against DC. Every four years, candidates for president promise Americans they'll fight the central government on their behalf. But the logical and simple answer somehow eludes us. And it's not by changing the name plates in the halls of unlimited, irresponsible government.

Want to REALLY put the power back into the hands of the people?

Dump DC." Each of the states already have their individual state governments in place and functioning.WE,THE PEOPLE who live in our respective states should rise up,unified,and demand that our state governors,and legislatures assert our sovereignty,and states rights.We could re-establish local control and oversight in all our local matters and establish new limits on the central government, although I would be hard pressed to think of anything I would trust it with in light of it's track record. GLENN NUNLEY. NORTH FLORIDA.


"The Nations Have Sunk Down In The Pit Which They Have Made in the net which they hid,their own foot has been caught'psalm 9.


"We will not solve a problem caused by poor oversight with a plan that has no oversight" Part of the reason we are facing this crisis is an antiquated regulatory system of uncoordinated agencies that haven’t been doing the job. And by the way let us not forget that Henry Paulson was CEO at Goldman-Sachs from 1999 to 2006. Man this has got to be the best example of putting the fox in charge of the hen house anyone has ever seen. GLENN NUNLEY.


Opposing the bailout plan — "Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.”We don’t allow this kind of free agency from elected officials, let alone political appointees. Not even in his role of Commander-in-Chief does a President have a mandate that is completely unreviewable. Henry Paulson may or may not be the most brilliant thinker in high finance, but even if he was, why would Americans want to give him literally a carte blanche with the equivalent of one-third of our annual budget? With no review possible?It’s absurd, and at its heart, it’s un-American, in the sense that America exists precisely because of our desire to rein in government and make it accountable to the people. We gave up on the monarchy in 1776. We certainly didn’t do that to trade in King George for Czar Henry. Only in a panic, in which Congressional leadership abdicates its role to keep executive power in check, would any American Congress agree to surrender its Constitutional mandate for oversight. Every person in the united states should be outraged by this pathetic display of herd mentality as their congressional leaders are stampeded into handing over the authority to regulate the countries monetary policies.Many of the people from the southern states and indeed all the states are becoming increasingly dismayed and disillusioned with the cumbersome, un-responsive,and overbearing central government. It will not take much more before these social fissures grow into well defined fault lines.But, then of course, that is what the revolution of 1776 was all about. GLENN NUNLEY.

One-On-One With Sarah Palin, CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric Interviews Alaska's Governor On The Ailing Economy - CBS News

One-On-One With Sarah Palin, CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric Interviews Alaska's Governor On The Ailing Economy - CBS News

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

FOXNews.com - Al Gore Urges 'Civil Disobedience' Toward Coal Plants - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

FOXNews.com - Al Gore Urges 'Civil Disobedience' Toward Coal Plants - Politics Republican Party Democratic Party Political Spectrum Even our most prominent leaders are awakening to the fact that some things need changing so bad in this country,for our very survival,that we the people should get them accomplished by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!!!WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! GLENN NUNLEY

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The Bush Administration, their Treasury,Congress, and the root of the problem, 'THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK' have played in the 'WALL STREET' until they got run over by a bus. And now that they have managed to hang themselves, they have hurriedly come up with a plan to save us. Well I don't think 'WE THE PEOPLE' {TAXPAYERS} would be saved at all,nor do I believe this 'bailout bullshit', is bailing out the hard working American families that rightly should be the object of their focus.I say to hell with the greedy entities that got themselves into this unfathomable economic quagmire. Let them work their way back out of it the same way the American people will have to do it. They should double the $700 billion dollars to one and one half trillion dollars and divide it between every man, woman, and child who are citizens of this country, combined with a moratorium for sixty days on all foreclosures and repossessions. That would be so easy and so quick to boost our economy that congress could then spend their time and energy enacting intelligent legislation which would undo the unfair interest laws,contract violations,credit card scams,and a dozen other devices which are counter productive to the American families.Do the math.this would immediately put twenty thousand dollars in the hands of a family of four.And by the way it is our money to begin with.Now that would be a smart loan that would be a true stimulus package. GLENN NUNLEY. NORTH FLORIDA.

Monday, September 22, 2008


The biggest flaw in the Bush proposal is the complete lack of transparency, with only so much as a Trust Me plea for a blank check, we have been offered no specifics, no oversight, no accountability.
The remedy is, making our primary goal, relief for American families who worked hard, played by the rules, and should not lose their life savings. Begin with a clear statement of what mortgages would be purchased at how many pennies on the dollar, independent oversight, protections for homeowners, and no excessive executive compensation so we can see what we are being asked to do.And to anyone who thinks anything like this will happen;I have some beautiful swamp land I would like to interest you in down here in NORTH FLORIDA.We are witnessing a usurption of power by the executive branch of our government with the unconstitutional transference of monetary oversight which is reserved to congress as a separation of powers.But words such as CHECKS and BALANCES have now become so distorted,how could the american people be expected to know the difference!!!!! See you in the soup line. GLENN NUNLEY September 22,2008.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Apocalypse has always held a special fascination for me। Even as a small child I can remember being simultaneously compelled and repulsed by the idea of annihilation: formerly bustling cities gone empty and silent; bands of survivors moving through scorched, barren landscapes towards a perilous future; nature, in the absence of man’s relentless industry, reclaiming what is hers।"And as I witness the downward spiral and visceral gurglings of the greatest country/state the world has yet produced,I am reminded that all things must and will end.But while death is sometimes quick and almost painless,it is more often slow and agonizingly painful.My fear is the latter for the UNITED STATES.The rest of the world, have,in the last few years, become increasingly hostile to this country as more and more people have begun to realize that our AMERICAN DREAM was only made possible by others enduring nightmare.Other age old factors are the many political ideologies and religious intolerance's of all the world.America is now crippled and weakened and the lions and hyenas are circling and moving in for the kill.Perhaps now,although to late to save our country,a sufficient number of enlightened people will be able to unite in a common cause to fight back against the beast that approaches and to begin to roll back the darkness.This is always the prelude to any rebirth.Will noble ideas such as ['ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" OR 'WE ARE ALL ENDOWED BY OUR MAKERS WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS,SUCH AS LIFE ,LIBERTY,AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS'] ever be presented on the world stage again?Will these lofty beliefs ever produce a population sufficiently strong, honest,and resolute enough to fight and die for each others rights to these things?If we look to history for that answer it would be not likely if ever.The reason being, is that these ideas have been as rare as fine jewels or gold in the lineage of mankind and once pondered or dreamed of they always would meet opposition from the powers that be at that time.So take a moment to reflect or whisper a silent prayer for that band of survivors because they are after all our children and grand children. GLENN NUNLEY. SEPTEMBER 20,2008.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rebellion Blog

Rebellion Blog: "It could be argued that secession is the primal American act, as old as the concept of the states themselves. What else did our founders accomplish in 1776 but secession from the tyranny of England? In other words, what the secessionists would argue is that although they are anti-United States, they are most certainly pro-American."

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